Friday, July 16, 2010

Ten tips to saving money

Starting & Running Your Own Horse Business: Marketing strategies, money-saving tips, and profitable program ideasTips for Saving Money On a Home AdditionEnergy Conservation Guide Wheel Spinning Info, Tips & Fun Saving FactsWe all like to save money. But did you know there are ways to save money that you may not of even thought of.  Here are ten tips to saving money.

1. Don't buy books and magazines, read them at the library or check them out and bring them home. Same for DVD's

2. Sign up for the rewards cards. Did you know Sears has a rewards card now? I think they give you 1 percent back on all purchases. 

3. Pack your lunch instead of eating out.

4. Buy generic when you can. Most generic products are just as good as the name brand stuff. You are paying for the name brand itself.

5. Use free software when possible. You don't need photoshop, Gimp works just as well.

6. Don't pay checking account fees and be careful of your money in your bank so you dont go over and have to pay over draft fees.

7. Use Coupons. Buy the Sunday paper and look through the coupons. If you don't have time to file them away then at least find one or two coupons each week you can use. Then remember to take them to the store.

8. Use the coupons for your favorite places to eat. Pizza coupons are always good ones. 

9. If you very seldom use your home phone then get rid of it. Same for cable TV. I watch two or three shows per week on the local channels so i recently reduced my cable bill from $60 a month to just $20 a month. 

10. If you have a baby, use cloth diapers some times. You don't need to stop using disposable altogether. But use them three  days a week and cloth diapers four days a week. Or some thing to that effect.

If you have any other tips for saving money please include them in the comment section. We can all learn to save a bit here and there. 

But please leave a comment and let me know you stopped by. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

$5 coupon at the Body Shop

Try this $5  coupon you can print out.  No limit on number of coupons.