Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to avoid freebie scams

How to avoid freebie scams

Does it seem to good to be true?

So, you do a search on freebies and you see one that says. Free computer for answering a few questions. Wow!! a good deal right? You click on the link and the first thing they ask you for is your email and zip code. You type those in and hit next. Then you start getting hit with the questions. Do you want to join this or that? You say no and it goes to the next page. Well maybe you find one that you want to join on that page so you hit yes. This continues for what seems like hours and finally you make it to the last page. Here it says you must sign up for at least two of these offers to qualify. The offers ask for your credit card number , They give you a month free to try and then they will charge you credit card after that if you don't cancel. OK You have done everything right for your new computer and you hit next, it says "Thank you". That's the end of it. Wait a minute!! Wheres my free computer? Oops. You have just been scammed. They have your email address, your credit card information and you have signed up for some offers, that they will inevitably get paid for. Most people don't go through the whole thing. They usually quit after the first few minutes, but still the people running this scam have their email address. and maybe got them to sign up for a few offers. Don't fall for this scam. If it's too good to be true, don't do it!!

A free item should be free!

There is a web site offering a free stereo. Right away you should be seeing red flags. (read number one above) But you decide to check it out anyway. Free stereo. Just pay $100 shipping and handling. Well that doesn't seem like much for a free stereo. (the picture of course shows one that is valued for $500 or so)You send the money and in return you get a cheap stereo that is probably not even worth $10. What happened was that you probably didn't read the fine print which states something like this : The pictured stereo is only an example of what you will receive. If an item says its free it should be FREE.

If you do pay shipping and handling for some thing make sure its a reputable company and the shipping and handling is reasonable.

A company should not ask for personal information for you to get a freebie.

If a company ask for credit card information for a freebie. RUN!! While it is OK to give out your address,if its a sample from a reputable company(such as Walmart, Nabisco,Kelloggs or any of the known companies). If you are not sure. Don't do it!

Lastly if you are unsure, check it out on line. Do a Google search for the company or the item offered and if it's a scam you should get a long list of websites that tell you it is a scam.

Be safe and beware on line. Enjoy your freebies!

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